Thursday 23 April 2009

Well on the Road...

I'm now well on the road to my pump start date of early June. The Animas 2020 was ordered and it's still the one I want.

I tossed up between the pink and the black, and despite urging from others to go with the pink, I went for the black. What did I say to someone? Oh yeah... I'm not sure I like the idea of looking like an elephant in drag.

Black is far more sedate and serious. Not that I'm either of those two, and I don't mind wearing it in a pocket or outside my clothing. If anyone notices that it's not a mobile phone or a 1970s pager, then it's a great opportunity to explain the difference between Type 1, Type 1.5 and Type 2. And if they're really interested, I may continue to Mody Diabetes.

During Passover, I had the chance to play with an Animas 2020. It was awesome to be able to look at it and play with it. It more than confirmed it was the right choice for me.

The screen is fantastic. In a pinch, I could probably read it without my glasses on, which is a huge bonus.

The scrolling that some people complain about is nothing compared to the advantage of the bright screen.

I'm only worried about one thing. Some people say the 2020 gives boluses (meal insulin) too quickly and that it can sting. I suspect there may be a way of getting around that, all of which I'll learn on pump-start day.

Even though there's just over 5 weeks to go for the pump-start, I've already finished Pumping Insulin by John Walsh (the bible), and I plan to re-read those parts which I feel is most important to my situation. I also plan to keep reading the Animas 2020 instruction manual, which I've downloaded from the Animas site. And I've played with the virtual pump on their site, several times.

So, I'm counting the days - about 40 to go. Sounds like an inordinately long time to me. Yet, the last 20 years since my daughter was born, have flown by!

Today, I finally managed to get around to cutting back the passionfruit vine that has been growing on the trellis for the last 2 years. With all the recent rain, it went totally wild and was encroaching parts of the house, allowing bugs and critters to climb up and have even better access to the house. That part of the house is on stilts, so without the vine, there are only 6 places that afforded access up the poles.

It was very sad to be cutting off the parts with passion flowers. They are truly unusual and gorgeous. I had waited 2 years for those flowers to come out. But we still left plenty to turn into passionfruit, some of which are already growing.