Wednesday 10 June 2009

Pump Notes

This post is a tad overdue. I've been on the Animas 2020 insulin pump for just over a week.

With only one very explainable hypo early Saturday morning (lots of activity on Friday plus a party), I've been going great. Two site changes on my own so far - one last Friday and one yesterday. Both went well, although I was a little worried about the one yesterday, but it turned out ok.

There's no doubt that my blood sugar levels are really great, especially compared to this time 6 months ago on MDI. I'm astounded at the freedom this pump gives me.

Yes you need to test lots, but on MDI you should be doing the same if you want good BGLs. For the rest, it's so easy!

I uploaded a food database and it went fine. In Australia, the food database doesn't come installed.

I'm downloading pump data every few days because my DE needs to see what still has to be tweaked. We've already upped my basal by .1 an hour, and for some times during the day, maybe it's a tad too much. I'm just waiting for a call from me DE to see what can be tweaked from a full week of data.